Construction of main bar begins March 18thVENDORS WANTED for Food Truck and Live MusicJune 14th, 12-8pmUpcoming events at VFW Post:April 4th, 6pm, Monthly Bunco, $10April 12th, 6pm, Butterfly Effect FundraiserApril 13th, 11-3pm,Free entryApril 14th, 6pm, Monthly Post MeetingApril 16th, 6pm, Monthly Auxiliary MeetingApril 19th, Logan Ramey - Fan AppreciationApril 27th, Holistic Fair_____________________________
Bingo every TuesdayHappy Hour, Monday-Thursday 3-7
Queen of Hearts every Wednesday 7pm
WASHINGTON - For the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and for our nation, National Vietnam War Veterans Day is an important one. Mad...
WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to announce the selection of the first woman veteran as director of the V...